
This blog is all about choosing the right windows for your place, and avoiding problems that might come along during your project.


Install These Three Things To Prevent After-Hours Graffiti Damage To Your Restaurant

25 April 2016
, Blog

If you are tired of having your restaurant's building be the after-hours hot spot for spray paint taggers, then you will be happy to know that you can proactively prevent much of their expensive damage and emotional headaches. While it would be nice if everyone would respect your property, the reality of today is that you need to be proactive about preventing graffiti and discouraging taggers from stopping at your building when they are out causing mayhem.
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Four Types Of Fire Resistant Glass

25 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Fire resistant glass is an alternative glass option for windows which, like its name suggests, provides increased protection in the case of a fire, making it harder for a fire to spread and ensuring more time for people inside a building to evacuate. There are four main types of fire resistant glass, each of which have a distinctive set of features and drawbacks. Understanding the differences between each type of fire resistant glass can help you choose the best fit for your building project.
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Improve Your View With Custom-Printed Window Shades

22 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Having lots of windows in your home doesn't always guarantee a great view. You can use custom printed window shades to create a beautiful look in your home and give yourself the view you've always wanted. Here are just a few ideas you can use to improve your view and make your home's windows stand out.  City Skylines You can recreate the skyline of your favorite city with custom-printed window shades.
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Three Falsehoods About Auto Windshield Glass

21 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

It is important to keep your car's glass windshield intact. However, you might not be aware that there are many things you can do to ensure there are no problems with it. In fact, you might even believe untruths about the glass which may cause problems. Here are some of the common myths people believe about how to deal with their windshield glass, along with the correct information about each one.
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Three Reasons Why You Should Purchase And Use Residential Window Films

19 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently walked by a neighbor's house and saw that their windows seemed suddenly darker, that neighbor probably purchased and placed residential window films. There are lots of reasons why one might use window films. If you are considering this product, here are some of the best reasons for choosing to buy and use window films. Greater Privacy The leading reason for buying and using residential window films is that they provide an extra layer of privacy.
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About Me
Finding Better Windows For Your Home

A few months ago, I realized that our windows were letting in an exceptional amount of unheated air. It was frustrating, because it seemed like our house was perpetually drafty. I knew that I needed to solve the problem, so I started looking for better windows for our place. I started working with a professional residential window contractor, and they were amazing at figuring out what we needed and what we needed to do. This blog is all about choosing the right windows for your place, and avoiding problems that might come along during your project. You never know, you might be surprised to see how much of a difference new windows can make.